Monday, 20 February 2017

Busy times and lazy days.

Well, I've done it again... neglected my blog. But, I guess that with all the other things that have gone on in the world during the last few months its not the end of the world!
I really can't believe that it's been so long since I've posted an update!

I've had a busy few months. 
My studio has been needing work done on it desperately, as it is a building that's is over 100 years old, and belonged to my great grandfather.
The CADW dragon, back at
Caerphilly castle for Christmas 
 It has changed use over the years from being stables for horses for his business, to a warehouse for a wholesale confectionery business, to storage, a garage, back to storage and now workshop...or what I now grandly call my "studio" to the outside world, but is usually within the family referred to as my being "in the warehouse" (perhaps it's a Welsh thing). At last I have a sound roof, which means that I can get decorating inside and making it look like a studio at last.

The run up to Christmas was as usual a little hectic. As ever, lots of ideas, techniques to try out and perfect alongside attending and selling at craft fairs, helping with Cavetsy organisation and the usual family occasions. 
Not a great deal of the refurbishment work was done by myself - but never fear! Good old Dad to the rescue! He's worked like a Trojan bless him, and it has kept him busy for weeks - I don't think he realises how much I've appreciated all the work he's done and I now have a room suitable to hold classes in with a curling, painted walls and carpet tiles! A major improvement, but the next upgrade needs to be toilet facilities . 

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